



We are committed to environmental sustainability


The Environmental Management System will allow us to comply with the requirements specified in our quality and environmental policy, being based and encouraging the systematic application of continuous improvement on all the activities carried out and the SGA, understanding said continuous improvement as the need to thoroughly plan the activities to be developed, make them according to what has been decided, verify the results comparing them with the planned and correct when necessary, starting the cycle of continuous improvement again.
We understand the protection of the environment as an important responsibility of management and ensure that it is carried out in all functions and areas of activity of the company. The protection of the environment demands responsible behavior from all the people who make Plastics and Skylights Matilla.

We declare our commitment to comply with current environmental legal provisions that are applicable due to the nature of our activities, as well as other requirements that the organization subscribes, as well as the protection of the environment in general, including the prevention of pollution and sustainable use of the resources that can collaborate in mitigating climate change.

Plásticos Matilla

We minimize our impact on the environment


As skylight producers, we recognize our responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment. Our manufacturing processes are designed not only to minimize the use of natural resources, but also to minimize waste.

We periodically review the state of environmental protection in our company, in order to verify the progress made and adapt the objectives and goals to the nature and magnitude of the environmental impacts caused by our activities, products and services.
The environmental management programs that are annually developed from this review make it possible to establish a process of continuous improvement and prevention of pollution.

We inform and train our employees extensively on the environmental aspects linked to the development of their activities within the company and we motivate them so that their behavior in the workplace reflects that environmental awareness.

To develop these basic principles, the Directorate formulates each year, specific Quality and Environmental Objectives for certain areas and / or activities, which will always be measurable and coherent with this Quality and Environmental Policy, with the principles formulated and followed up on the same verifying their compliance.

We understand that the reduction of the environmental impacts derived from the inadequate management of waste as well as the minimization of noise production and the control of electricity consumption are the central tasks of our environmental protection policy, as well as the minimization of noisy production and control of electric power consumption.

 We recycle!

This awareness leads us to look for all those materials that contain the highest possible composition of recycled elements. When this is not possible, then we select those raw materials that are at least highly recyclable, as are most of the elements that make up our skylights, from the packaging, to the dome, through the plinth, frames or opening mechanisms.

Plásticos Matilla - Reciclaje


We focus on quality

In Matilla Plastics and Skylights we understand quality as the management tool through which activities are planned and developed, so that compliance with the legal requirements established in the activity we develop “Skylight Manufacturing and Marketing.” is achieved. The fulfillment of the demands of our customers throughout the entire process, thus obtaining satisfied customers, which is the reason of our company.
Innovative technologies, the use of effective production management methods, uniform operating procedures, continuous improvements in manufacturing processes and working conditions guarantee the constant and high quality of our products. Among the improvements, we highlight two main sections:

PRODUCT: Quality standardization is used through the control of the production process, the use of first quality raw materials, modern technical equipment and professionalism of the staff of our company, as well as the exhaustive controls carried out by our technical team. For this, it is essential the selection of the best raw materials, the continuous improvement of processes and quality processes.

SERVICE: Adjusting delivery times and receiving suggestions from the customer to incorporate these improvements and possible proposals with the aim of achieving a highly competitive product that meets the expectations of customers.

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